They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

My Photo
Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Chapel PLC -Sunday 30th July.

I had never been in the chapel before and was very impressed with the stained glass windows and the service. The last hymn which I knew as"He who would valiant be" I would like played at my farewell service as Mum & Tup did at their memorial services.
Really enjoyed the day. I was at PLC FROM 1941 TO 1946. I received a good grounding. Loved the grounds and the gymnasium. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 30, 2006

National Treasures of Australia's Great Libraries

This looks as though it will be an extremely good exhibition with good associated activities. I also cut out a review from the Herald yesterday on a book "Ida Leeson: A Life" by Sylvia Martin.242. $29.95
"The result is an engrossing portrait of an interesting woman and a fascinating city"

I met Ida Leeson while I was working in The Mitchell Library(1959-1962)
I would come upon her unexpectedly quietly working in the stacks. She was often very helpful in directing one to find resources . Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Characters Created in My Libraries - Late 1980's

Experimenting with a collage of characters this is what emerged.
Nocturnal Animals

"Just Imagine the wonder in Books,'"
Possum reading upside down

The lion is reading a book which says
"Read books it will improve your English"

Captain Pugwash

A Greek Warrior

In the background "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" Posted by Picasa

Asquith Primary School - The Library 1989

Asquith Library actually lent itself to decoration. It was one big room with plenty of light.
I originally got the idea of a procession of book characters from 1) Mural Mum & Tup tried to paint on my wall at Pymble. There was Bib & Bub and a butterfly. 2)Later Miss Appleton ran a lending library at Pymble. One year there was a competition to name all the book characters following the Pied Piper. I started to get children to draw book characters and then subjects in the Dewey Decimal System.
It strikes me that what I am doing now and how my teaching developed in the library using IMAGES IS RATHER SIMILAR. Posted by Picasa

"Learned Optimism" 1992 & "Why Was'nt I Told" 1986

"Why Was'nt I Told" was published in 1986. Unfortunately I don't think I or my children ever read it. It has very good quotes on each page
.1st page "It is always adventurers who accomplish great things"
last page "To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have". Lots of good stuff in between"If you can't say something nice don't say anything".
Meanwhile I have been reading "Learned OPtimism".
The other book "Authentic Happiness" is on loan at the library. The tests in these books all show positive characteristics. More later when I have read "Authentic Happiness Cannot understand why this hyperlink is not working? Will investigate

". Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Authebtic Happiness Test Nov 2005

Filling in time with Lachlan last year he filled in test on his strengths on the VIA Strengths Survey for Children. His result was
Top Strength Enthusiasm and Zest
2nd Strength Bravery and Courage
3rd Strength Modesty and humility
4th Strength Teamwork and group loyalty
5th Strength Forgiveness and mercy

For more details see Lachlan's file at 224 Bobbin Hd Rd.

It will be interesting to see how his profile changes? Is there any consistency?

Then I did the test. My results were
1. Creativity, ingenuity and originality
2. Love of learning
3. Curiousity and interest in the world
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Hope , optimism and future-mindedness

History of my profile is slowing down. How handy it would have been to know my strengths when young.???

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Two photos of Jo in Snow Country1968 & 2005

Spending the day with Jo yesterday helping with filing these 2 photos turned up.
The first photo I borrowed because it shows Jo wearing one of my mother's vinyl creations. Mum also made me a vinyl skirt and hat and covered a chair with vinyl. She was very talented. In her youth she wanted to be a fashoion designer but accepted a sewing course. She used her talents with great flair. I can still remember the dashing clothes she made for me.
I have just realised that the photo of Jo was probably taken beside the creek at Thredbo.(Note the bushes and rocks) We spent a Christmas holiday down there. I think JO would have been nearly 4 yrs old
The other photo was taken last year 2005. I think at Falls Creek? Posted by Picasa

'The Secret River' and 'Convict Society and its Enemies'

I have been lucky to get these two books together. The book by J.B. Hirst is very interesting. At the end, on page 193 he writes about the native born who grew tall and strong and did not inherit the vices of their parents. This was almost miraculous. Among all the reasons given for the fine character of the native born perhaps we should add the earerness of officialdom and the immigrants to see that they did well.

The Secret River I have just been given by Jo, who ordered it from Pearson. It is very well written and deals with the grim background of the convict hero and his wife and how they make good in the colony against overwhelming odds. At the moment in the book they seem to be seizing their opportunities. William has been trained as a boatman on the Thames and gets land on the Hawksbury. I'm not sure how the book ends. Posted by Picasa

Photos from Oxford - 23rd July

The first photo of Corin at Playgroup has been in my picture file for some time. I am linking it up with photos which have arrived five minutes ago. At the party, everyone looks happy.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

They Were Good and Strong by Robert Lawson

Posted by PicasaThis children's book which won The Caldecott Medal in 1941,. over 60 years ago caught my eye when I was working as a Teacher-Librarian. It was never very popular with children.
Maybe already 30 to 40 years old. Fashions change.? American history? . My book "They Came to Armidale" did not seem to grab children. Many people have said "Your family will be interested" I will try and test Lachlan (my grandson ) reading both books and contrasting comparing?

My Mother's Sketches of Ancestors

Charlotte Richardson
James Snape
William Colburn Mayne
Keith Slade
Dorothea Scott-Harden
Mary Ethel Snape
I showed Mum the drawings in "They Were Good and Strong" by Robert Lawson. 1940 . This is a children's book but "They Came to Armidale" has not really turned out as a children's book.
Mother died in 1988. I first saw the picture of James Snape in 1990's when Tony Snape sent it to me. I think Mum would have liked drawing James Snape? Posted by Picasa

By Myself (1978) and Then Some (2005)

The back cover comments are right
"'ll love this book. It's hard to put down"

She sounds very genuine, extremely nice and a very good actor. Adored meeting many famous actors. and travelling the world. Made extremely good friends with many of them. Was in Africa for the shooting of "The African Queen" and remained a lifelong friend of Katherine Hepburn.

Obviously a great survivor in a very
competitive arena. Very rarely says anything nasty about anyone. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Vanessa Redgrave book printed (1991) and Corin Redgrave 1995

Two diffferent books. I think Corin's was easier to read.
Vanessa seemed to get very caught up in politics and travelled all over the world.
Corin helped his father write "In My Mind's Eye" which he wrote at the end of his life. It does not seem to be in the library. Michael Redgrave died in 1984. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Good Receipes from my Good Friend Judy Slack

Judy gave me this list. she also gave me a receipe for
Raspberry Fool

300 gram raspberry

Half a cup of sugar

Juice of a lemon

1 tablespoon of brandy

Put in blender. strain if you wish.

Also here is title of book which I think Jo is ordering for me. I have a big collection of healthful receipes.
I think? it goes back to seeing my mother with a tiny book(It was wartime) entitled "We are what we eat".
I am sure this is the title.

I am not sure how well this page will come up. Perhaps it can be enlarged on the blog page? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 15, 2006 Posted by Picasa

John Peter Russell - Portrait of van Gogh

Among my ancestors I have discovered John Peter Russell. Russelll is considered the only Australian member of the group of impressionist and and post impressionist artists who lived in France in the 1880's and 1890's. Russelll owned a Van Gogh oil painting Three Pairs of Shoes which is now in the Fogg art Museum at Harvard University. It is believed he got it from Van Gogh in exchange for Russell painting Van Gogh's portrait.

This portrait was painted in 1886. It is in Amsterdam, Muzeum van Gogha

Babylon is Everywhere : The City as Man's Fate

This is the book I read 35 years ago. It had a great impact on me. It is not in Kuringai Library but is on the net. The whole book can be read for a fee. Click Here. Parts of it and pictures can be read at no charge.
It is much easier to read than "Cities in Civilization"

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bunratty Castle

Idly turning the pages of a brand new book
"The Great Castles of Britain & Ireland" which I picked up at Kuringai Library (thought Loc may be interested) I came to pp 145 and there was coloured picture of authentically furnished public or lower chapel. this was restored after Lord Gort bought the castle in 1950's. For years I had similar picture. Where is it now? I had found in magazine in late 1950's.
I liked the colour and style. It is a little bit like my big front room now I have put carpets down in colouring.
Shannon Development now manages Bunratty castle as part of the Bunratty Folk Park. It is open to the public throughout the year for a fee, and visitors can also take part in medieval banquets.

Inspired to go and see it. It is near to Galway.
Should plan to go there on my next trip to the U.K.

How much is an image imprinted upon your memory???? Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 10, 2006

Corin & Arthur in England Summer 2006

Here are some photos which I had in Picasa. I find the collage option very tempting. The boys are in London and in Wythum Woods near Oxford. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Mayne's in Australia

Tidying up my Mayne files I decided to try and print a collage using Picasa and this is the result.
I also found out that Web Log has been shortened to Blog.
Not absolutely sure how Hello works but perhaps will find out when Bob Young gives his computer talk here on Blogs on Tuesday18th July.

I am puttiing this collage on the front of folder with Mayne research which I intend to be held in the Mitchell Library. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 06, 2006

CS Lewis A Biography by A N Wilson

This book suddenly appeared at the library. I asked for it months ago. It is an inter-library loan. I am half way through it. Published in 1990 the writer has written and won prizes with other biographies and taught English Language & Literature at Oxford
It is in contrast to the book I have blogged before it which is written by a personal friend of C S Lewis who taught English at Malvern and published more recently.

I meant to go to the library to-day and order books
Buchan, John "The Gap in the Curtain' which I read at Moss Vale.
"Authentic Psychology" Postive Psychology By Seligman.
Also books By Corin & Vanessa Redgrave
Also book on puzzles which would be suitable for Lachlan's blogsite. Posted by Picasa

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Jill Fisher in mid 1950's

I am endeavouring to put photo into blog profile , This photo came up in Picasa attached to my Brother's Keeper Genealogy Program.
Also came up to-day with instructions for codicil to my will that I don't think has been implemented asking that my FAMILY HISTORICAL RESEARCH RECORDS are offered
1) The Mitchell Library
If the Mitchell Library is reluctant to acquire some of these records then they are to be offered to The Society of Australian Genealogists and finally to the University Archives, University of New England Posted by Picasa

Lachlan & Jonty Camp

The boys at Bobbin Hd Rd during winter holidays.They biked from Asquith using backstreets and the footpath.
They made a fire in the firepit and we had a barbecue.
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