They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

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Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Saturday, July 15, 2006

John Peter Russell - Portrait of van Gogh

Among my ancestors I have discovered John Peter Russell. Russelll is considered the only Australian member of the group of impressionist and and post impressionist artists who lived in France in the 1880's and 1890's. Russelll owned a Van Gogh oil painting Three Pairs of Shoes which is now in the Fogg art Museum at Harvard University. It is believed he got it from Van Gogh in exchange for Russell painting Van Gogh's portrait.

This portrait was painted in 1886. It is in Amsterdam, Muzeum van Gogha


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