They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

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Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Sunday, July 30, 2006

National Treasures of Australia's Great Libraries

This looks as though it will be an extremely good exhibition with good associated activities. I also cut out a review from the Herald yesterday on a book "Ida Leeson: A Life" by Sylvia Martin.242. $29.95
"The result is an engrossing portrait of an interesting woman and a fascinating city"

I met Ida Leeson while I was working in The Mitchell Library(1959-1962)
I would come upon her unexpectedly quietly working in the stacks. She was often very helpful in directing one to find resources . Posted by Picasa


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