They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

My Photo
Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jill in PLC Chapel -Taken by Sue Entwhistle

Just received this from Sue by email.
Also come up with experimental rhyme for joint 70th birthday party which Bev McNeill and I are planning for 27th October.

" Seventy years have sped away
Please wear a hat and join the fray
When did we meet? What did we say?
How LUCKY was that fateful day?

Please join a very special cast To conjure up a happy past"

I should be doing practical things not writing a diary. However I have found this system brings me back each day.
James Lees-Milne idea that it is the foibles of friends which most endear them to us stays in my memory. Posted by Picasa


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