They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

My Photo
Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

" Afternoon Tea by Emma Minnie Boyd" 1888

Minnie Boyd left a visual impression of Glenfern the home of the Captain John Theodore Boyd. Boyd came from Ireland. He had served in the 11th Foot(North Devons) . His son Arthur was an artist and married Minnie a Beckett in 1886.
On pp66 under chapter 3 "The Boyd's of Glenfern"Fanny Barbour writes"Last night we went to the Boyd's....There were more people there than I expected to see. Captaon Mayne and Miss Mayne". I think this was probably my great-great grandfather??? Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Boyd's a family biography by Brenda Niall

Cover illustration Bundanon Garden & Studioby Arthur Boyd, 1993, oil on canvas(private collection) by permission Bundanon Trust.
This is a very good book. Well written. Actually I am reading it for the third time.
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70th Birthday Plans 27th October 2006

Bev McNeill and myself are planning a 70th Birthday Party.
We found out about 20 years ago that our birthday wias on the same day and that we were the same age. I have just remembered that it is also the McNeill's wedding anniversary. I thjink they were married ion her birthday.

Bev was down to bring invitations which she created. I think our main wish could be for fine weather. It has prompted me to have a big clean out. I have sent out invitations for about 40 people . Not sure how many will come. Posted by Picasa

Sydney Ancher - Plans for Bobbin Hd Rd 1964

Anne Higham spoke at Ku-ring-gai Historical Society onWednesday 20th September on "Post-war Architecture in Ku-ring-gai".
At the end of the evening she gave me a data sheet with with architects buildings in the area.
Bev McNeill who was with me suggested we look the next morning which we did. This inspired me to unearth the plans which Sydney Ancher drew up for a house for Denis & myself.
We failed to build it due to financial constraints. I have a box with all the plans for housing which I has newspaper cuttings of houses in the bush on the outside. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 22, 2006

The new "Havana" at "The Cotswold Collection"

This design has just been produced and I feel it would fit in very well in the main room at Bobbin Hd. Rd.
The actual framework can come in different colours. Judy Slack has said she come and look at this furniture to-morrow afternoon. I am very keen.
Also discovered good orange colour painted on wall "Red Terra" by Dulux that I think I will get to paint my Mitchell Library deed boxes. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Wild and Woolley - Book publishing, Self publish, Print

Wild and Woolley - Book publishing, Self publish, Print

HAVE JUST BEEN INVBESTIGATING THIS SITE. Would like to get my book published.
I must get in contact with Wild & Woolley.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Architecture and History

Hoping to get to this lecture on Wednesday 20th September.
Architecture and history are very strong interests for me.
Will reort to the blog site how this lecture goes. Posted by Picasa

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weblog publishing system

Williams created a tool that made self-publishing online as user friendly as word processing. It is hard to exaggerate the importance othis innovation. It did'nt just create a new form of creative expression, it turned the media upside down. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 08, 2006

Lachlan The Wahroonga Tigers September 2006

Lachlan's team won the grand final which was very exciting. Posted by Picasa

SCEGGS Moss Vale Photo from Lux 1951

An email from Morna Davey a fellow classmate at Moss Vale
asking for my memories of Reverend John Mason who had died age 90. Earlier this year my headmistress Miss Baddams died.
My memories of both are very good.
Anne Worboys found JOHN MASON on the Web.Vale
JOHN Mason 1917-2006
The Rev John Mason passed away on July 9. He was 90. He served in parishes such as Berrima/Moss Vale, Mowbray and Springwood and held positions at Shore School, Trinity Grammar, St Andrew's Cathedral School, Blue Mountains Grammar and the Dicesan board of Education.
In 1947 I started at SCEGGS. He also came that year. I think we were lucky to have the influence of a clergyman at school. He would have been 30 when he started at Moss Vale and at the beginning of his career. I thought he was very good and he obviously went on to serve in other Anglican schools.
Miss Baddams I will always recall drove me to Sydney to run in the Jubillee Athletics Championships in 1951. I won my race barefoot and was chosen to go to Hobart to run which was a great experience.
It was really good of her to take me. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Aztecs

The Aztecs have been having trouble getting in to my blog site, which has suspended my diary. Just got in through Picasa. Have been looking at the Aztecs with Jonty. Posted by Picasa