They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

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Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Monday, August 07, 2006

Old & New Galway by Peadar O'Dowd (1985)

When I first began research after retiring I contacted a Mayne (Was it Stephen Mayne?) in the Melbourne telephone directory who said all the Maynes in Australia could trace their ancestors through Mary Ellen Turner who married William Colburn Mayne back to "The Twelve Tribes of Galway". He recommended this book which opened up the romantic history of Galway.The Blakes describe themselves as an "auncient English femilie" Which for some hundreds of years had lived in Galway
Reinforcing this link is quote from Teeling's letter. (Harry Sowden was researching family history for Molly Richardson. Beau Richardson gave me the papers) "The Turner link was due to Thomas Turner being in the Dragoons and stationed in Galway. He met Miss Blake on the canal boat- the only form of transport then to the further west- and married her. I knew that I had some Turner relations in Australia but was not quite sure where they came into the picture". Posted by Picasa


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