They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

My Photo
Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Permaculture North Inc.

Denis Madeleine my tenant gave me this newsletter to-day together with permaculture plan for Bobbin Hd Rd which he did for an assignment.
Permaculture North meets monthly on the third Monday at 7.30pm at Ku-Ring-Gai Seniors Centre Near the Library.Very interesting Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Australian Architecture Association

As part of its educative mission, the AAA. holds lectures and exhibitions, and hosts an extensive tour program.
4 different styles of tour
City walking tours
Harbour cruises
Bus Tours The next in October will look at homes and apartments on the northern beaches
Self Drive Tours Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Auberge Aquarella

Denis Madeleine my tenant has just returned from a holiday to Mauritius.
His sister runs Auberge Aquarella.
He has lent me this pamphlet. The idea crossed my mind that this could be a goo place to go on the way to England.
Perhaps meet Roderick, Liz & co there in September (He says this is the best month) and then go on to England. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Penelope Sach I actully meant this to go into the previous blog.

Anyway the site looks very interesting with about 6 books which I will get Jo to order me as Christmas presents.
I have just made a folder marked Christmas presents. will try and be a little organized this year.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Gayelord Hauser 1960

Posted by Picasa I was very keen on Gayelord Hauser books in my youth. since then I have collected books on good reciped and herbs. The latest is a very neat little book which Jo ordered me from Penguin "Natural Nourishing Recipes" by Penelope Sach

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Walking in Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park

With Rhonda Retallack and friend
walking early along the track to Bobbin Head.The time was around 7.30am Tuesday 1st August.
Some bushflowers were coming into bloom. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Corin & Arthur in Wythum Woods August 2006

Just received these photos. The boys look veryhappy and full of mischief
 Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 07, 2006

Old & New Galway by Peadar O'Dowd (1985)

When I first began research after retiring I contacted a Mayne (Was it Stephen Mayne?) in the Melbourne telephone directory who said all the Maynes in Australia could trace their ancestors through Mary Ellen Turner who married William Colburn Mayne back to "The Twelve Tribes of Galway". He recommended this book which opened up the romantic history of Galway.The Blakes describe themselves as an "auncient English femilie" Which for some hundreds of years had lived in Galway
Reinforcing this link is quote from Teeling's letter. (Harry Sowden was researching family history for Molly Richardson. Beau Richardson gave me the papers) "The Turner link was due to Thomas Turner being in the Dragoons and stationed in Galway. He met Miss Blake on the canal boat- the only form of transport then to the further west- and married her. I knew that I had some Turner relations in Australia but was not quite sure where they came into the picture". Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Stephen Mayne 1969- Australian journalist and self described shareholder activist.

Details from Wikpedia, the free encyclopedia.
Stephen worked for a number of media outlets and as a media adviser to then Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett , but then fell out with his former boss and started the devoted to complaints about him in September 1999.

He is best known for founding Crikey, an online independent news service.

Mayne is married to Paula Piccinini, a barrister and occasional contributor to Crikey, and has a young family. His sister-in-law, Patricia Piccinini is one of Australia's best known contemporary artists Posted by Picasa

Stephen Mayne 1969 Founder of Crikey , an online independent news service

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Corin & Arthur -Oxford August 2006

They look as though they are making music and very happy about it. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 04, 2006

Cinema Year by Year" (2000) and "1001 You Must See Before You Die" (2005)

This is my third attempt to get these books into my Blog.
The idea is to have a good list of videos and DVD's when one visits the library or video shop.
The internet provides many lists. I have printed out one from

I am trying to write something which I discover each day
There is a shuttle bus which goes from North Turramurra into the city in the morning. I think 7,30am
Timetable information : 131 500

Under Regrets. I am very sorry that I did not finish my typing course.
I had better blog this before I lose it. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jill in PLC Chapel -Taken by Sue Entwhistle

Just received this from Sue by email.
Also come up with experimental rhyme for joint 70th birthday party which Bev McNeill and I are planning for 27th October.

" Seventy years have sped away
Please wear a hat and join the fray
When did we meet? What did we say?
How LUCKY was that fateful day?

Please join a very special cast To conjure up a happy past"

I should be doing practical things not writing a diary. However I have found this system brings me back each day.
James Lees-Milne idea that it is the foibles of friends which most endear them to us stays in my memory. Posted by Picasa