They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

My Photo
Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

SCEGGS Moss Vale Memories put together for Morna Staunton's Birthday

These Photos show members of our Leaving Class 1953.
At Mary O'Connell's dressing up for party in Lockhart.
In the garden at Jill Fisher's 50 yrs after leaving school.
7 of us lining up in the Sunken Garden in 1953. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Morna Staunton's 70th Birthday

I took pictures of her grandchildren and they took this picture of myself with Phillipa and Tim. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Richardson History & References (Jill slade)

Somehow these got muddled up.
Robert Richardson wrote a number of children's books (The Mitchell library)
The pictur eo f John 7 Beau richardson was given to me by Tony snape.
My school refernces resulted because of the death of Mary Graham my headmistress. I was saying thanks to her kind thoughts and kind words.
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bridge Sayings Collected as I Play

From a player at Lindfield Bridge Club on Melbourne Cup Day 2006

"Singleton Ace is very valuable. It is worth 7 if you have a trump fit"

Also on the same day
"Never play bridge with person you sleep with" Ted Chadwick

From Ron Klinger Throughout 2006. He writes a column in the Herald.
" If you need safety perhaps bridge is not the game for you"

" If you fail to prepare. Prepare to fail"

"There is a sound principle for an opening lead when you have 4+ trumps TRUMP LENGTH, LEAD LENGTH"

Hamilton Convention

1NT -X Penalty
1NT - 2C Single suit(Partner bid 2D)
1NT - 2D Both majors
1NT - 2H Hearts and a minor
1NT - 2S Spades and a minor
1NT - 2NT Both minors

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Native fangipani (Hymenosporum flavum)

James Todd my garden help planted this tree out from a pot (given to me by Andrew & Renate) a couple of years ago.
It has really thrived in the front garden and I think is a triumph in landscaping.
I have been trying to get this cutting onto my blog for about 3 weeks. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lachlan in Last Year in Prep School

Lachlan was working on his blog and decided to finish with photo of his class with teacher Mrs Dwyer. Apparently she has been a very good teacher. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Books into Film on Penguin Website

I was very excited to find this page. It disappeared somewhere in the Penguin Blog.
I found it when I was editing my favourites.
The URL is

Saturday, November 04, 2006

21st Field Regiment, Hornsby

Denis Fisher on far right at back. Alan Smith has sent me a letter re Denis's RAA SERVICE.

He was Commissioned Lieutenant in Sydney University Regiment 20th September 1951.
Then follows rather complex details.
(I will file this letter under Fisher Family)
Alan finishes
Arequest to National Archives in ACT WILL PRODUCE HIS FILE and it helps if you have his army number.I will have to look for this. Posted by Picasa

Jo reading speech at 70th Birthday Party. I wanted to get this photo in with copy of speech below.
I am having some trouble with the collaging. Hopefully Mike Barker will be able to put me on the right track? Posted by Picasa

Charlotte Maud Richardson My grandmother

I am actually trying to get a group photo of Denis, Jo, & Jonty.
This picture was sketched by my mother M JSlade Posted by Picasa

Jonty at 70th Birthday Party

Jonty helped select the best hats.
He also helped to guide guests down the dark drive. Here is his picture. Behind on the post is a photo of Jo which was taken when she went to USA on exchange program. Posted by Picasa

70th Birthday Party

These photos wer taken by Lachlan my grandson.
Actually the photos blogged were not the photos I selected. However will try again.
Photo1) Before the party
2) Lindy Smith & Helen Slade
3) Loc. Jonty& Loc did a great service helping guests down the dark drive
4) Myself Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Glad I met you in 1948" card from Winki Higgins

Surprise speech given by Jo Fisher . Composed by Jo & Liz.
It was quite funny and I was very flattered.
To sum up they wrote Jill used 3 guiding philosophies to bring us up by
1) Don't repress children
2) Inspire your children
3) Don't be conventional

"One of the best lines for me were under (1) An interesting consequence of this phlosophy is that neither Liz or I can remember being seriously disciplined by Jill or having any rules imposed on us(besides being knd to others -an absolute that could not be briken under any circumstances) "
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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jill at Orinoco Street

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70th Birthday Party

On the 27th October 2006 Bev McNeill and myself celebrated our 70th birthday.
Two very old friends from my childhood came. Jill Radford(Franklin) bought this photo of myself, Pat, Robert and Jill Franklin on front steps at their home.
I now have another school friend staying with me. I am trying to show Mary O'Connell(Bouffler)(how to set up a blog.
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