They Came To Armidale

In this history, I have attempted to give a simple outline of how my ancestors came to Australia with clues to further research for interested readers.

My Photo
Location: Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

Friday, June 30, 2006

Another Self by James Lees Milne & Jack by George Sayer

Have just read these 2 books. I enjoy Lees Milne's diaries. Probably influenced me to try and use this blog site. Very interested in C. S. Lewis . The "Narnia" books fascinated the children and myself in the school library. Have included a good quote on this site. Posted by Picasa

Jenkins Family Christmas 1990's

This photo was sent to me by Lindy (who I think must have been taking the photo). I am finishing off editing "They came to Armidale". I have been given some really good photos - old and new - by different members of the family. You can see these at: Posted by Picasa

Quote by C S Lewis

I wish I had read this quote when I was younger Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

How to Blog SMH June24-25 2006

This article caught my eye. It certainly tells you how to create a site. I enjoy the use of visual images to show what I have been thinking and doing. Posted by Picasa

Kenneth Turner's Flower Style

I found this book in an Art Gallery booksale almost 10 years ago. It was $10.00. I bought 4 books and feel it was a great bargain. The decorations really attracted me. I gave books to Alex Buchner, Judy Slack, my daughter Jo and fortunetely kept one myself.It was published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson in 1989 in London. I guess it is one of my favourite books Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 26, 2006

Bridge System January 2006

This is a little skewhiff. However I keep mislaying this system which is very useful playing with different partners so think it wise to preserve on my webpage.
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"Forgotten Hero" by Max Waugh

He established religious equality on a just and firm basisand sought to provide for all without distiction of sect, a sound and adequate system of national education.

His 3 times great grandson writes in the front of the book "I think he was a compassionate and fair maN,CONCERNED WITH PROVIDING EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. He enjoyed riding over much of the colony and appreciated the Australian bush, which others found hostile and intimidating. He worked hard, but enjoyed erelaxing and especially loved music. A very productive retirement included travelling in Europe and co-editing Edmund Burke's correspondence"
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"Forgotten Hero Richard Bourke, Irish Governor of NSW 1831-1837 by Max Waugh

This book printed in 2005
Richard Bourke was born in Dublin on 4 May 1774. The Bourkes were descendants of the De Burgo family, who in 13th Century accompanied King John in the Norman conquest of Ireland. I feel there may be some connection between his Governorship of the colony and Edward (Do not know his date of arrival c 1846) and William Colburn Mayne's immigration to NSW. William arrived in Sydney on "Hero of Malown" on 24th April 1839. In 1846 he became commissioner for crown lands for the Wellington District.
Contacts to find out more about this time would be State Records, Archives of NSW and who is an expert on the Mayne family.
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The King's School 1831-1981 by Lloyd Waddy

This book I was trying to get into Lachlan's Blog. I will have to learn how to do this.
The book gives a very good history of the school with good illustrations.
I found out that Horatio Mayne son of William Colburn Mayne was at the school at Macquarie Fields.
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Wild Strawberries in Wythum Woods Oxford 2006

Arthur during a walk in Wythum Woods Oxford during summer 2006.
Liz sends me photos every few weeks which I love receiving.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Crazy Whist

Here are some rules for Crazy Whist.
You may need a magnifying glass but it is better to have it on this site rather than lose it althogether.
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Monday, June 19, 2006

12 Books That Changed the World

12 Books That Changed the World

This book is very easy to read. In fact I found it hard to put down. I have read
The First Folio (1623) by William Shakespeare

On the Abolition of the slave Trade (1789) by william Wilberforce in Parliament, immediately printed in several versions

On the Origin of Species (1859) by Charles Darwin

The Rule Book of Association Football (1863)

Married Love (1918) by Marie Stopes

I had never read these books except for some of Shakespeare's plays so it is a very worthwhile book

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Little Oxford Book of Quotations

I picked this book up at the Ku-Ring-Gai Library.
It reminded me of my mother's sayings.

"Vanity, vanity all is vanity"

"Virtue is it's own reward as well as it's own punishment"
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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Books I have enjoyed recently.

This book spans the 20thCentury and gives a very full description of Elizabeth's life over a tumultous time of change. The author is obviously an admirer of this great survivor. Posted by Picasa

Favourite Books

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Corin & Arthur Oxford 2006

Corin & Arthur at childcare at Oxford. Sent to me by Liz early June 2006. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 10, 2006


This is also me playing cricket Posted by Picasa